I was just going to point out for the record that in our Turning the Corner plan we have before us some very specific regulations--development for that--to achieve the very same goals we have in the amendment the NDP have put on the table here. In terms of a regulatory framework for greenhouse gas emissions and the approach for determining those reductions, those targets, it's all here on page 9 and following in the regulatory framework for air emissions. It's under the greenhouse gases section in the table of contents.
So the approach is there for setting targets for existing facilities and for new facilities. There is a compliance mechanism here as well. There's talk in terms of all the detail of that.
It's kind of an overlap, a duplication, if you will. I guess the NDP wants to propose it, but it is not necessary, in view of the fact that we already have something black on white in respect of that. It's laid out in the Turning the Corner plan to achieve the goals in a very specific way.