Right. So it would be a little better than a year, anyhow, to get that initial start and at least some of those elements under way as you go to December 2009.
You mentioned in your report that former governments, Liberal governments, have rarely examined sustainable development strategies. On page 35 here I read the following:
The federal government’s commitment to produce a federal sustainable development strategy dates back 15 years, to Canada’s pledge at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. That commitment was reiterated in 1997 at the Earth Summit+5 in New York, where Canada promised to have a national strategy in place by 2002.
And on it goes.
What do we make of that? Would it be fair to say that they didn't get the job done, or that sustainable development strategies were not a priority? There was the rhetoric, there was the language here in the report, but despite all those grandiose promises, it wasn't a priority and the job didn't get done.