Thank you very much, Mr. Chair and committee members.
It's a somewhat bizarre experience being a witness at one's own committee, particularly as the only Liberal present. So if you see me dashing over there to ask myself questions and then running back to answer to them, I hope you'll understand that it's because we're trying to economize.
I want to thank everybody for the spirit of cooperation and goodwill that has thus far accompanied the presentation of the bill, particularly at second reading, where all but one member--and I'm working on him--voted to bring the bill to committee. I also want to thank all the parties that have been consulted on the bill. We have tried, as you will see, to amend it accordingly.
A particular thanks goes to the work of the David Suzuki Foundation. I really do have to give credit to that organization for its publication entitled Toward a National Sustainable Development Strategy for Canada, published in January 2007. I have to admit that it was the major source of inspiration for the bill you have in front of you, although we have made, as you'll see, some significant amendments.
I also want to say I have consulted extensively over the months with both the current commissioner for the environment and his predecessor, and I want to thank them for their views. However, they are not to be held responsible for what you see in front of you.
I've also attempted to build within the bill some fairly deep and fundamental scientific principles, which are referenced in clause 5 on “Sustainable Development Goals”. These principles are taken from The Natural Step system conditions to which the other guest, Chad Park, from The Natural Step, will now speak.