I do, yes.
I would hope not, sir, because 120 days is not an inconsequential amount of time for consultation. There are two consultations in this. The other stakeholders, beyond the commissioner's office, would have a lot to be consulted on. We would be consulted solely on whether or not what's in the plan is something whose fairness we could at the end of the day assess—which is fair ball: it keeps us out of policy. I think it should be all right.
In the overall architecture, too, of what's being proposed in this—that you would have every three years a national report supported by entity reports, and that they would integrate one with the other—the timing for it makes a lot of sense. You can argue about what three-year period should be followed and that sort of thing, but I think we should be all right.
You may be referring, sir, to the 30 days.