Absolutely. Take the simplest thing, the storm drain system in a community. It's designed for a flood event once in a hundred years. As that once-in-a-hundred-years flood event becomes once in 75 years and perhaps even once in 50 years, the infrastructure starts to adapt.
There are Canadian standards for everything. All these standards are based historically on a normal climate, which up until recently was 1961 to 1990 average conditions. The reality is that's not normal any more, and it's going to change in the future, so you really need to be getting a handle on it.
I get personally consulted all the time by engineers trying to look at storm drain systems and watershed availability management. They are asking me just as a random person for my input into this. I'm one person; I have no time. What they should be doing is to be able to have access to a research consortium out there, or to people who can deliver the information they require in their planning. It's just not there in Canada; it was just getting under way when it was closed.