Mr. Chairman, the approach we took to that component of the projected reductions was to begin with the provincial plans themselves. Where provinces had identified their own objectives for GHG reductions in their own jurisdictions we took that into account and factored that into the overall target and the components that would get Canada to that target. In other words, in that 20% anticipated reduction there is an element that we explicitly said would come from provincial actions. We've used their analysis and their numbers. In some cases there was a commitment without concrete plans, but we took them at their word that this was a matter of policy for those governments.
The instrumentality of the trust arrangement was simply to provide support, as has been done in a number of cases in public policy areas--health and so on--by Parliament, to support provincial efforts in their areas of jurisdiction toward an outcome Parliament agrees with.
That's the rationale for the eco-trust. And that's why we were able to factor into the model, into the 20% reduction target, the results from the eco-trust. We took account of the fact that provinces had plans, objectives, and that they would use the funding. The announcements at the time made it clear that provincial governments intended to use the funding to those policy objectives.