I agree, Mr. Chairman, that it is a different instrument of public policy. In this particular case, it would be the normal responsibility of a provincial Auditor General to ensure or to measure the expenditure for environmental policy, in this case for GHG reductions, using money that was available to that province through the trust mechanism.
In terms of measuring the reductions in GHGs over time, we do have that capability as a country, and indeed, we are going to have to track the results, year after year, of our GHG emissions as a country.
I agree with the member, Mr. Chairman, that we will not be able to attribute a megatonne of reduction in GHGs to a dollar spent through the eco-trust initiative. But that is known at the time Parliament uses this mechanism of providing financial support to a province to engage in policy interventions that will allow it, using its instruments of jurisdiction, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.