—and of course we're not supporting the carbon tax. But also, I think the general public is very concerned about what we now see in the oil sands, the surface mining.
Over the years since 2003, I think you said, there's been the process of the environmental assessment. I have visited the hardworking, incredible MP from that area, Mr. Jean, and he took me on a tour. I saw the bitumen oozing out of the rocks right along the shore. But I was also looking for reclaimed sites, sites where they've taken the bitumen out of the sand and the sand has been put back in place and there are trees growing and you have a healthy ecosystem that has been reintroduced—it might be different, but again a healthy ecosystem.
My question to you is about success stories among projects for which you've done an assessment and which have developed as they presented in the assessment, and in which now the site has been reclaimed and you're happy with the results.
Maybe there could be a quick story on.... Well, if you go to something that's been very disappointing, it's difficult to put you in a position of giving specifics. But maybe you can share a success story in which you're happy with the results and which is a good example of how future projects need to be developed.