That leads me to one recommendation I would bring to the Bali negotiating team, if they're open to suggestions.
The aid budgets of the Japanese and three major European nations are tied to developing lower-cost and increasing offshore supplies of coal for them to burn in their own plants. Japan spends five times more money every year tying aid to long-term developing-nation coal supplies than their entire 2008-2012 budget to buy CDM/JI credits.
In a legitimate go-forward in Kyoto, every party should be required to prepare a greenhouse gas inventory for their aid portfolio and add that to their national inventory. While you're at it, all 13 UN agencies, the World Bank, and the ISC, should be required to publish greenhouse gas inventories for their aid portfolios.
You'll find that the $30 billion or so John rightly estimates as spending on clean projects is a rounding error compared to global aid spending on old-fashioned coal-burning stuff.