The only problem I have with that, Mr. McGuinty, is that, as you know, a steering committee recommends to the committee. If one group says no, we don't accept that, obviously, and then we have debate in the whole committee. So I don't think it's really....
I don't know how many phone calls you want to do over the holidays, but I know I would like to suggest that we get the list from everybody here, we contact the witness list, and we come up with a balanced list, as I said we would do. That balanced list is then sent out to the entire membership, and the members then look at this list and they comment.
Now, we could at that point have a conference call to say okay, this doesn't look balanced to me or that doesn't look balanced to me, or whatever. But I don't think just on a cold call coming up with names is the way to go. I think that'll be counterproductive and we'll end up in a debate at the first meeting with witnesses sitting there. I particularly don't want to chair that meeting, thank you very much.