They're real figures to the extent that you believe Statistics Canada's estimates are real figures. They're good enough for me.
I'm glad you've pointed to that column, because I put that column there for a reason. I think when all Canadians are looking at a table like this, the last two columns raise a very important question, and I think this points to one of the disconnects that's happening in our national debate. When some people look at those last two columns they quite reasonably say, “Look at how well we've done over the last five years. We shouldn't have to do any more for a while.” Other people would look at the same numbers and say, “Look, the kind of reduction we're talking about asking you to do from now on is just business as usual for you.” We could do the last 10 and 15 years too, and I'll put that in the spreadsheet I send you.
And I think those columns are very important, not for what they tell you to think, but in fact for what you learn about how people look differently at the same numbers.