Thank you for that.
Mr. Bramley, with regard to what's going on in Bali right now, we're getting reports, of course, that we have been receiving the “fossil of the day”. I think one day there were three to give out and we got them all. A lot of Canadians are embarrassed that Canada is being held up in this light around the world, particularly since most of us have seen Canada as a nation in the family of nations, to be, if not the strongest and the biggest, then certainly the most respected. It's very embarrassing for a lot of us to see this happening.
Can you give us a sense of just how bad that is, how bad Canada is looking right now as a result of the inaction? Also, in my questioning of Jack, I asked if we were going to sign on to Kyoto. We've done so bloody little--nothing--and we're so far behind, it seems as though we haven't signed on. Of course, we have signed it, but we haven't done anything about it, which is another embarrassment.
Jack's recommendation was that we should honour the signature we have on the document. We should pay whatever penalties are necessary and get on with the job. Do you agree with that? Do you see some way we can redeem ourselves as a respectful nation in the eyes of the rest of the world vis-à-vis Kyoto?