Excellent. Thank you.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot.
I have one final quick question, if I have time. Could I have clarification on this? I've been trying to go through this rather complicated bill, and I'm looking forward to eventually getting a consolidated version of all these statutes. Do the sentencing powers of the courts remain intact?
I'm trying to sort out whether or not the courts will still have the power to direct, as is the case under CEPA right now. They have a broad array of fantastic powers, which are similar to the provinces' powers, where they can direct that remedial action be taken. They can direct that all kinds of measures be taken. I'm somewhat confused by this new fund that the court cannot direct and the powers that are in CEPA, where the court can in fact give direction that those very measures be done. Perhaps you could explain how the two work together.