Thank you. I fully understand that, and I think it was a great move several years ago by the Ontario region to do that. But that is different from taking away the power of the judges to make that decision. Indeed, the investigators and prosecutors can recommend names, but now the judge doesn't have that power.
This omnibus bill does an incredible job of thirty-years-overdue provisions, expanding the powers and mechanisms for effective enforcement, and I commend the Department of Justice, Environment Canada, and Parks Canada for moving forward with these amendments. At the same time, I'm wondering why you did not also take measures as recommended in 1998 by the parliamentary committee. An additional one of those recommendations was to bring forward into all the environmental statutes the same provision that's in the federal Fisheries Act. I think it's also in the Migratory Birds Convention Act. That provision is that where there's a private prosecution, the party bringing the private prosecution has a right to half of any fine imposed. Why was that provision not brought forward, as was recommended by the parliamentary committee?