So the master is the captain of the vessel. That seems to be one of the main changes that you've raised that jump out at me. I certainly look forward to raising that with the department, about where the first part says the master or the chief engineer and then all of a sudden they are both liable. So I do look forward to asking that question.
I confess, despite your valiant efforts, and still I will raise the issue with the department.... I appreciate your briefing on UNCLOS and so forth, and I'm hopeful the department will give us a brief. Maybe our library experts could give us some kind of summary of the relationship between UNCLOS and the other international laws and the domestic law, which is the implementing mechanism, so that we can see what those provisions actually say and we can compare it to our law, because it's hard to come to a conclusion right off the bat.
One thing I'm finding trouble with and I'd like someone to—