I want to open this one up to everybody here on the panel too. It's my last question, and it's with respect to the issue of reclamation.
This was my first chance to see the oil sands. I traveled half a continent, from as far south as you can go in Canada, right down on Lake Erie, and there were a number of things that I found very interesting in a flyover of the area. They were pointing out spots where reclamation is going on. What I also found very interesting was the natural topography as it exists in areas where there hasn't been any extraction yet, but will be.
Can you weigh in a little bit on concerns about the change in topography, the interrelationship between surface water and groundwater through changing topography, and those types of things? There's been some talk that on some projects there's the idea of compensation lakes or compensation wetlands. Is that a satisfactory mechanism?
I think what we're accepting in that principle, if we go that route, is that there will be changes in habitats, drainage, and things like that. I don't know if that will change the interrelationships between surface water and groundwater access. Can you comment on that for the committee?