This brings me to the issue of the Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Waters Master Agreement.
You say it should revitalized, and I agree. I'm just wondering how we can do that when you have parties to this agreement that won't even discuss shared aquifers. How can we revitalize the agreement? How can the federal government play a role in revitalizing the agreement when provinces and territories guard their jurisdictions so jealously.
What was the goal of the Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Waters Master Agreement? Did it have any teeth from day one or was it just a press release—I'm not trying to be cynical or facetious—to show that governments were curious about water issues? Can some provisions be activated rather simply, or do we have to reopen it and renegotiate it? How can we do that to give it teeth?
What leadership role could the federal government play in either revitalizing the existing one or creating a new agreement?