Yes. CEMA has put forward a number of these recommendations. I can undertake to forward these through the committee chair to you.
Over the last ten years, a number of them have gone forward. For example, one of the big areas that we work in is reclamation. We're doing the majority of research on reclamation. We have recently produced a guideline on how you re-establish a wetland. If wetlands are destroyed through the mining operations, the guideline deals with how you reclaim them.
Through our reclamation group we are also looking at one of the issues that was brought up earlier today, the issue of end pit lakes. We're facilitating bringing in experts in modelling and trying to see if that is a viable alternative. In the case of air, we have two working groups looking at some of the factors that will contribute to the establishment of these thresholds and ultimately to what should be monitored. In our trace metals group, we are also looking at things like human health issues. We have just finished a traditional food study with the aboriginal groups in the area.
So we're contributing research in a number of areas towards that goal of sustainability.