I fully agree with Simon. I would suggest that this is a persistent problem around water issues and not limited to the Athabasca or the oil sands, the ability to access data around fresh water. In part, it's because there are multiple jurisdictions involved in this. I agree wholeheartedly that this is a role, and I would say a fairly safe role, for the federal government to play.
We were, at one point, world leaders in integrated freshwater science in this country, as I'm sure you might have heard David Schindler say yesterday. I know I've heard him say it a number of times. In fact, we are falling off the table in that respect.
There is a significant opportunity here for us to build the research science and also rebuild the monitoring capacity that we once had in place. The oil sands seem to be a logical place to start on this, given that it seems to be ground zero around water issues.