All right. It just seemed to me, because they specified a range, that they must have at least been working toward that possibility.
I want to go back to some comments that were made by one of the Liberal members opposite regarding my earlier questions. I'm going to repeat some of what I mentioned earlier, because I think, with respect, the Liberal member opposite didn't hear what I said.
If he says the Kyoto accord was signed in 1998, even though I have a copy that says it was done in 1997, I'll grant him that. Maybe I'm wrong and it was 1998 instead of 1997.
As to everything else, I didn't in any way, shape, or form say that I wasn't aware that it took a few years for the Kyoto accord to be ratified. If that's all the member opposite heard, I want to make it clear that, sure, I know the Kyoto accord took a few years to be ratified, but what I was trying to say is that I'm just absolutely astonished that the Liberal Party would use the ratification process as an excuse for not dealing with greenhouse gases in accordance with their 1993 red book commitment to reduce them.
In fact, I've read the Kyoto accord, and I'd point out that in article 3, paragraph 2, there's a requirement that each party to the accord was to achieve demonstrable progress by 2005. I think it would surprise the signatories of the Kyoto accord to believe that the delayed ratification by Russia or any other country would be an excuse for not showing demonstrable progress by 2005. Nonetheless, that seems to be the position the Liberal Party is taking today.
In fact, do I understand correctly from exhibit 2.1 in your report that emissions in fact continued to increase in Canada after 1997? Is that the way I read that chart?