I absolutely believe that the minister should retain discretion. These are not political appointments. They are ministerial appointments. Insofar as they are ministerial appointments, the Minister of the Environment is ultimately responsible for this act and to ensure that the sections of the act are adhered to. One of those sections, indeed, pertains to the independence of members on COSEWIC.
I think it's absolutely appropriate for the minister to have that discretion. The basis for the proposed recommendation was really motivated by an insurance that on those occasions when the minister might wish to reject COSEWIC's advice, it might be appropriate to discuss that with the chair of COSEWIC, simply to ensure that he or she is as fully informed as possible of the potential ramifications of that decision before it's made.
It's simply really a suggestion for consultation with those who are perhaps best positioned not to criticize or commend but to draw attention to the potential ramifications.