I have just a quick reply, Mr. Chair.
I think the public is quite aware of the seriousness of my party with regard to the impact of the oil sands on water, air, and health. That's well known. I don't think that's a matter of dispute as much as some other parties might think.
If you look at what I said when I proposed my amendment, given the agenda that was proposed in this motion, there's absolutely no intention, if we accept that motion, to move expeditiously on recommending any action on addressing the impact of the tar sands on water. That is precisely why I raised my motion.
I am simply putting forward the proposal to be consistent. Of course, the NDP thinks that our bill on climate change action and accountability is important, just as the Conservative Party thought their enforcement bill was important. Our party had the courtesy to allow that bill to move expeditiously and bounce everything else on the agenda. So, as I said previously, I'm simply asking for consistency in the committee. All bills should be treated equally. That's the way other committees operate. I realize we can make up our own rules as we go along.
So I don't want to belabour it any further. I put forward the proposal and I would simply suggest that we vote if there are no further comments.