Thank you very much.
Regarding implementation challenges, federal core departments need to finalize consistent and unambiguous policy documents and operational guidelines to assist in the implementation of SARA across its conservation cycle. However, in addition to these “overarching” policy papers, I want to stress the need for developing and finalizing detailed “second tier” operational guidelines. The lack of these final policies and operational guidelines greatly hinders and confuses efforts to protect and help recover species at risk, their residents and critical habitats.
Notwithstanding financial challenges, SARAC believes increased federal funding is essential to ensure the full and effective delivery of SARA. To assist in implementation and to develop useful learning tools, SARAC urges the core departments, with inputs from interested parties, to establish best practices and case studies regarding the listing process, recovery strategies, and action planning.
Regarding the minister's round table, SARA requires the Minister of the Environment to convene at least every two years a round table of persons interested in matters respecting the protection of wildlife species. The 2006 minister's round table was inclusive and transparent. However, the 2008 minister's round table fell considerably short of the 2006 meeting.
SARAC wants the minister's round table to be inclusive, comprehensive, and transparent. Round table recommendations and ministers' responses should be posted on the SARA registry in a timely manner. SARAC should be invited to help shape the topics, identify witnesses, and participate in the round table.
Thank you very much for your attention. Our crew here is ready for questions.