I think the amount of consultation will vary from region to region. In the Prairies, in Manitoba, our experience recently is that when recovery strategies and action plans are being developed, there is good consultation. There is a fair bit of consultation. We may not always agree with all the decisions, but there is consultation.
Where there wasn't as much consultation as we think would be useful was in the earlier COSEWIC process, when the scientific analysis was happening. We're not suggesting that socio-economics be brought into that. It shouldn't. We think that should be kept separate. But particularly when you have major organizations that have done a lot of research, or do a lot of resource management--and we use Hydro-Québec or others as examples--they have a lot of information, and often when the scientific process for the listing is happening, they don't access that information. We would be glad to provide it, obviously, and they would use it independently, but we feel that there could be an improvement there.