I'm sorry to keep returning to the white sturgeon, but we went through a water use planning process with white sturgeon. It's under our Water Act in B.C. New facilities or facilities that meet a certain threshold are to go through a water use plan, which is a sharing of the water; you revisit the balanced use of the water. BC Hydro, being a crown corporation, chose to put all of its plants through water use review when this provision was first added to the Water Act.
We went through that entire process. That finished off in the Columbia in about 2004. About two years in advance of the white sturgeon being listed, we knew it was coming, so we went through a process of including approaches to dealing with the white sturgeon recovery needs in that particular plan, with the hope that the water licence we would receive, the order that went with it, and by extension the fisheries authorizations from DFO that would go in that package would meet our needs under SARA once the listing came forward.
In fact, it has turned out that this is not the case. We still have to get a separate permit or conservation agreement or whatever to deal with sturgeon. We are still in discussions now. Whether our understanding of the $34 million-odd that we committed over 12 years to sturgeon in that agreement and—