Let me say that when the groundwater panel looked at these examples across the country, the ones that we thought looked as if they were managing the groundwater sustainably, or very close to it, were ones in which Geological Survey had played an active role in understanding the geological conditions in which the groundwater flows and takes place. So I would assume that there would be a great benefit in having Geological Survey help with an understanding of what's happening in this area. That's on the science side.
On the policy side, it seems to me that the federal government has several policies that should perhaps be pursued more vigorously. One is the environmental assessment program and the impacts on fisheries and ecosystems downstream of leakage from the holding ponds. There are also the potential health impacts. In addition, the federal government has a role in ensuring that one jurisdiction's activities will not adversely affect other jurisdictions, like the territories and Saskatchewan, downstream and downwind of the oil sands projects.