We had firm targets. We had firm targets under the Kyoto Protocol, and as we all know, the previous Liberal government—and I don't mean to be partisan here, but it is I think a fact of political history—had said it would use the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to regulate greenhouse gases. It was preparing and was about to release hard caps, or regulations to meet hard caps, before the 2005 fall of the government.
This was before your time, Mr. Hyer, I know, but if this is the most pressing issue facing mankind, and if the NDP believes in hard caps and using CEPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, I'm still mystified to this day as to why they would pull the plug on the government in 2005. But that's history.
You spoke about the impact of climate change on Canada, and then you seemed to mention something about how adaptation would be a focus of some of your bill, to some extent. Did I hear that you believe we should have adaptation measures?