Good. Thank you for that answer.
Back to the test of success, the test of any environmental law, regulation, program, or tools is whether it leads to either reductions in the rate of environmental degradation and/or measurable improvements in the environmental quality. I think it's premature to judge whether or not the federal money that went to the provinces will be used to improve the environment. I trust the provinces and I trust we are going to see some positive results and that the test of it will be successful.
I want to focus on the program for petitions. I touched on it briefly when we met last Wednesday. It's a program that started, I believe, in 1995. It's a good program. It provides Canadians an opportunity to ask questions, and also to hold some ministers to account.
My question again is whether, according to the test of success, this program for petitions is effective. Do you have a dollar figure of what it's costing, including administrative costs for all the different ministers, say, over your reporting period of the last year?