Thank you. I'm always bringing up the hind quarter. I appreciate it.
I want to thank Mr. Vaughn and his staff for a very comprehensive report. I know it's a monumental amount of work, and I can't begin to imagine how it all gets done.
I'm going to focus on one particular item, and in doing so, and in looking at the tail of the elephant, as it were, I don't want in any way to detract from all of the other good things in your report.
Specifically, I am interested in the chapter on severe weather warnings, and in looking at paragraph 2.17 I see the purpose of the audit was to determine if Environment Canada systems support the delivery of timely and reliable severe weather warnings. That was the purpose, so I'm wondering if in that context you were alert to and watchful for any reports or cases of severe weather warnings that were not timely or not reliable.