Thank you.
In terms of fairness, it is obviously the details that matter when defining the program to be introduced. As for whether an intensity regime is appropriate or not, that is certainly the subject of ongoing debate. When we say “fair and equitable”, what we mean is that we would like to receive credits for past actions. This is what we advocate in our particular industry.
So, you need to be smart about this and see what the impacts are going to be in the different industries in order to arrive at something that is fair and equitable, from a national perspective and for the industries concerned. How can we do that? Well, there needs to be dialogue.
Coming back to your first question about targets, we are very much in favour of certainty. For large, long-term projects involving a significant investment, there obviously has to be certainty. Also, the context must be reasonable. In other words, you have to be sure that you are working in both the North-American and global contexts. Just to give you an example, here in Canada, we may have two or three new facilities. However, in China, there are two or three new facilities coming on live every week. And what happens in China, India and the United States clearly has an impact, not only on our industry, but on others as well. In the global context, that kind of perspective is a must.
So, yes to certainty, but as Mr. Hyndman said, as part of a reasonable context and process.