First of all, on 1990 versus 2006, that's of relevance for how you look at how the country is doing. There is no country in the world using 1990 as the basis for assigning targets to industry--no country. The U.K. used 2003 to 2005. Australia is using something more current. The U.S. is proposing to use something current and even looking forward. So that's not about the allocation to industry; that's just how bad you look as a country.
Where are the possible reductions in the oil and gas sector? There are two big areas that are possible, and some work is going on now and some was done in the past to do this. We had large flaring and venting reductions up until recently, and now they have stabilized and even gone up a little bit, so more work needs to be done on that. There are fugitive emissions, which are not trivial—leaks of gas from pipes in gas plants and pipelines and so on—so there is work that can be done there.
The big other one is in the way in which we produce the oil sands in situ resource—not the mining but the ones where we put steam in the ground to produce the oil. There are a lot of different kinds of activity going on as to alternative ways, lower energy ways of producing that, and that is one of the areas we need to focus on: technology, because you could get a step change in the emission and the energy intensity producing in situ with some alternative technology. But it takes time to prove it out, to try it on different reservoirs, and then scale it up and see if it works.
That is the most promising area in the oil sands that I am aware of.