Someone's costs are another person's income. Any time you force companies to do something that's costly, somebody gets a job out of that. So that side of it is an economic opportunity. But how you lay those costs on society can be more destructive or less destructive than the jobs you create.
In terms of the things we need to do to address climate change, our basic orientation is let's get going on pricing. Let's ramp up with the rest of the major economies of the world. Let's invest in technology. If we're successful in advancing technology, then we'll be in a position to start deploying that as the world steps up its effort and raises the price of carbon over time.
For those new technologies and for the renewable technologies that equally should be supported, the opportunity is to develop and deploy the new technology in the energy system, which is the transformation of the energy system.
That's all opportunity on that side, but if you don't put the policy in place right and you disadvantage Canadian industry competitively, you will destroy more jobs in the rest of the economy than you're creating in this new opportunity in the energy system transformation. We need to look at both sides of the ledger on the job creation thing, on the new stuff versus what you're doing to the rest of the economy, depending on how you lay the costs on it.