What strikes me also in your proposals are the comments made by the chief economist with TD Bank, Mr. Drummond. It basically seems to confirm to some extent what Nicholas Stern was saying, that is, that if we don't move quickly to counter climate change and reduce greenhouse gases, the cost will be considerable.
Am I to understand that if we don't comply with the two-degree rule, we'll lose? Applying the two-degree rule could actually cause us to lose some growth, but at the same time, if we don't apply the rule, we risk losing even more in that regard.
What strikes me is that between the government's scenario and the two-degree scenario, there's not a big difference considering the economic impact. Between two scenarios, the consequences of which are more or less the same, would we not be wise to go with the two-degree rule? Because that would enable us, from an environmental standpoint, not only to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, but also to make sure that we have a forward-looking economy. Is the two-degree rule not a win-win option when all is said and done?