It's an economic question, but first of all, it's one where people need to be involved. You can try to visualize what's going to happen and then put a dollar figure to it. But our people up here are not interested in Canada giving us money to survive. We're not into that.
Global warming is real. If you have an increase in temperature in the south, you know the ratio of how much it increases up here. If you get a 2% increase at the equator, it's going to increase from 6% to 8% up here. Everything is escalating much beyond the imagination of anyone. So try to imagine the cost. It's almost ridiculous to us.
First of all, it's not Parliament's choice to decide what's going to happen to the future of Canada. It's not the executive arm or the cabinet's choice either. And it's not a matter for the courts. This is beyond you people in Ottawa. And if you guys don't wake up, we're in trouble.