That's quite interesting, because when I had the chance to read Bill C-311, which is the bill we're currently debating, I actually read it twice in the time it took me to drink a coffee. It's about 13 clauses long, I believe.
Parliament is going through the debate about this bill and trying to set Canada's target levels. We've heard from the European Commission. We've heard from various other outside agencies and NGOs, environmental non-governmental organizations, that have brought testimony here criticizing the Government of Canada's current position, which is to be 20% below 2006 levels by the year 2020, with significantly higher targets for 2050, yet all we have is this exercise of setting targets with no real plan. It sounds as though the United States obviously has some intentions there in the legislative process for a plan.
Maybe somebody would like to help me out with this. If we're going to go as a North American unit, and we've established that we are each other's largest trading partners, and we see what's happening in the European Union, does it make any sense to have different levels of targets for Canada and the United States at a time when the European Union--and Mr. Tirpak has just said this--is looking at what the rest of the world is doing when it decides its own target levels? Would it make any sense at all for Canada to have a go-it-alone approach with Bill C-311, when the American administration is shooting for a target similar to what we announced years before President Obama was elected to office?