Thank you, Mr. Chair, and my thanks to both of our witnesses for coming today. Your credentials are impressive, and what you've had to say has been helpful.
Professor Plourde, you've touched on some things that I think are particularly germane, so I'd like to go through a few of them with you. I will join Mr. McGuinty in saying that I thought your presentation was particularly exceptional and a breath of fresh air, if I might say, compared with some of the evidence I have listened to over the last several months.
I will begin with a comment you made about the Kyoto accord, which sets the stage for us. You said that the Kyoto targets would have meant a cut of about 36 megatonnes in greenhouse gas emissions over a period of 11 years. As we know, we won't get there. By 2007, Canada's emissions had risen by about 155 megatonnes and thus stood at about 125% of 1990 levels. In that statement you set up the crux of the problem.
You also said that the proposed legislation, Bill C-311, would require a 40% reduction in annual emissions to be attained over a period of about 11 years. In other words, in every single year between 2010 and 2020, Canada would need, on average, to reduce emissions by 75% of the total amount of reductions we agreed to deliver under the Kyoto Protocol. We will fail to deliver on this by a wide margin. Again, that sets out the crux of the problem. You end by asking whether the commitments identified in clause 5 are credible in the sense of being likely to be achieved.
I have received some information from Professor Chris Green at McGill University. No doubt there is a collegial atmosphere among economists across the country. He answered that very question for me. He began by pointing out that from 1990 to 2006 there was about a 1.1% per annum average rate of carbon intensity decline. Does that sound accurate to you?