There are probably a number of factors. For one thing, we probably don't have as much low-hanging fruit to go after as some of the Europeans do. We tend to have more modern plants. We also tend, particularly in provinces like Quebec, to already be using hydroelectric power, so we don't have low-hanging fruit in terms of making improvements in there to go forward. Those are some of the factors that I think go into that.
I'm not sure what all the factors are, but what I did find very interesting was the Environment Canada study from which, in our submission, I provided the chart about how much more expensive to achieve any given reduction level it is for Canada than for just about any other country. When you go off into the 2050 timeframe, we kind of get a bit closer to some others. I think people probably have less confidence in these forecasts for 2050 than they have in those for 2020 and 2025. Our costs, in the range you'd have the most confidence in, are higher than anybody else's. I've given you some reasons why I think that applies, from my experience, but that may not be complete.