Mr. Chair, I can take that question.
The offset system is really an important complementary mechanism for our cap and trade approach. The minister, in the summer, announced that he is moving forward with an offset system. He published two of three remaining guides that will set out the rules of that system.
We invited public comments, and those comments were received in the late summer. We're currently briefing the minister on the content. He will then decide on the final rules of the system.
The offset system works as a way of generating reductions from sectors that would be outside the regulations. So it's a way of achieving reductions in sectors such as agriculture, or in municipal landfill sites.
Yes, we will have...once the system has been fully implemented, which will likely be at some point in 2010. An investor will be able to bring forward a project, register that project, indicate the amount of emissions reductions that is expected to generate, and then, once those reductions have been verified by an independent verifier, the minister will issue credits to that project developer. Those credits will have value, and the project developer will then be able to sell those credits on the open marketplace. It's really a market-based way of achieving reductions that will contribute to our 2020 target.