Thank you.
The clean air regulatory agenda funding is the core support for our work on air pollution and on greenhouse gases. It supports the science that will underlie our advancement in air quality and air pollution. It underlies the policy analysis, and it underlies the regulatory development.
To give one example of some of the science funding, our clean air regulatory agenda funding on science for air quality provides support for 32 background air quality monitoring sites across Canada. In addition, through a series of MOUs with provincial governments, it provides support for 184 air quality monitoring sites in urban areas so that we can have a good picture of what is happening to Canadian air quality.
In addition, it provides support for policy development. One of the initiatives that's been taking up a lot of the work of my group, but also of all provinces and stakeholders, is a multi-stakeholder and federal-provincial initiative to develop an approach to air pollution in Canada. This has been a very time-intensive and resource-intensive exercise, as it's been going on now for a little bit over a year.
There was a report of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment just last month on the progress that has been made. The ministers agreed to give the group another few months, so around the end of March there will be a report to ministers on a path forward on a policy approach for air pollution in Canada.