I agree with both Mr. Bigras and Ms. Duncan. If you read the motion carefully, you will agree that it is really ambiguous and flexible. After all, that was the intent.
I agree that we do not necessarily have to have Mr. Thompson or other experts testify on this issue. However, it would be irresponsible to produce a report that is not up-to-date, that does not consider the issues raised since we began holding our meetings, whether they be with respect to Dr. O'Connor's file or Dr. Schindler's report that was published this morning. We would be publishing a report with a number of shortcomings.
If we do not want to invite Mr. Thompson, I would prefer to conclude this report and publish it as quickly as possible instead of waiting and opening up the debate to other witnesses. When drafting the report, I would like the research analysts to mention the ideas raised by Mr. Thompson.
It is unlikely that we will be able to think about studying carbon storage in the next few weeks. We have two other reports to complete and two other issues to deal with. An in-depth study on carbon storage is not something that we can do today. As a fair compromise, I would suggest that we give our research analysts permission to include a small section on what came out of Mr. Thompson's brief, without prejudice, so that our report will be as complete as possible.