If land is designated as critical habitat, the act prohibits the destruction of that critical habitat. That's why we have to be precise about what is critical about that habitat. What can you not do? If you use the woodland caribou as an example, does it mean you cannot cut a tree in the boreal forest? That's where we need the science to be clear on what constitutes destruction, because you cannot destroy unless the minister has an action plan and says that the activity would be consistent with the action plan. So there is a permitting process, but it has a very high threshold. Essentially, it's looking at that critical habitat being protected because it is essential for the survival and recovery of the species.
Where the act allows critical habitat explicitly to be used in the act is when you're identifying the measures to be taken in the action plan. So you will hear criticisms that we are considering socio-economics on the decision of whether or not to list a species when the act itself is silent on that. We are, as officials, advising the minister under the authority of the cabinet directive on regulation-making, and that cabinet directive does require the government to consider at least some degree of socio-economic implications upon listing. Because it's an order, it falls under that directive. And it is important to recognize that upon listing, criminal-law powers come into effect that prohibit the destruction of the species, the taking of the species, the killing of the species. So in order for the government to make a balanced decision, the cabinet directive applies so that those criminal-law powers come into it in an appropriate manner.