Thank you.
I am the new coordinator, hired in March of this year, for the National Aboriginal Council on Species at Risk. I have been asked to appear on behalf of former chair and current council member Beverley Jacobs, who sends her regrets, and I have also been given permission to speak on behalf of NACOSAR by the current chair, Chief Bill Erasmus, who also sends his regrets.
On behalf of the National Aboriginal Council on Species at Risk, I would like to thank the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development for organizing this meeting and accepting our submission on the five-year review of the Species at Risk Act.
I realize this is an opportunity to provide input for the legislative review. However, my speaking points support recommendation two and provide an explanation of NACOSAR's administration, which has been brought to light by numerous witnesses in the five-year review.
There has been confusion on membership and participation as a result of the March 1, 2010, termination date on the appointment letter from the minister, which has made it very difficult to reach quorum with the council. In turn, this has compounded issues surrounding solidarity and further challenges the need for meaningful and timely solutions.
On March 29 and April 9 of this year, NACOSAR met and discussed council membership and ministerial appointments. The chair requested the opinion of Environment Canada's director of conservation service delivery and permitting, Mary Taylor, on the matter and it was confirmed under precedent that the council should remain intact and continue business as usual until the minister appoints or reappoints council members.
On April 9 of this year, our submission to the standing committee was briefly discussed, and it was decided amongst participating members that the council would submit a historical document appended to our submission and recommendations that were agreed upon in camera by the council in September 2009. Appendix I has not been circulated to the standing committee today because it is still being translated.
Since September 2009, the council has not formally met to finalize their submission in full, resulting in a historical document and current recommendations. Further to this, the council has not been able to recruit and retain an appropriate coordinator, which is the only full-time position dedicated to maintaining the council's profile and administration. This has disabled the council in its capacity to review and incorporate recommendations from aboriginal peoples who attended workshops facilitated for the purpose of gathering recommendations and creating dialogue on the administration of the Species at Risk Act, which has caused issues regarding our credibility amongst aboriginal organizations and others.
As the NACOSAR coordinator, I will be working with the council to introduce in-house solutions to rebuild current capacity in maintaining consistency, which will include planning ahead by revising the current work plan to provide more detail and align it with our funding; an official distribution list; communication mechanisms to increase NACOSAR visibility; engagement and cooperation with partners to the act; monthly council meetings, including financial statements; finalizing our terms of reference; finalizing our policy and procedures manual; and provision of training and orientation to the council and planning subcommittee on their roles and responsibilities.
However, this does not fully address the issue of turnover of administration and the short terms of council membership. In order to maintain momentum of the council, the members need longer terms and criteria on selection of candidates to assist the minister in the appointment process, along with multi-year funding accompanied by a multi-year work plan.
Further to that, the council has requested to meet with the current Minister of the Environment on more than one occasion, without a response from the minister or his advisers. As an advisory council to the minister under the act, this makes it very difficult for the council to operate in accordance with section 8.1 of SARA.
Having reviewed the Species at Risk Act and measured the lack of engagement and participation of aboriginal peoples in the administration of the act, and the lack of NACOSAR engagement with SARA partners, the council has come to the conclusion that the act has failed to ensure participation, engagement, and advice from aboriginal peoples who are proactively involved in prevention, identification, management, protection, and recovery of wildlife species.
In an effort to assist the Government of Canada in improving the substantive provisions of the act and strengthening its implementation, the council offers the following recommendations.
Please refer to recommendations one, two, and three.
I would like to thank the standing committee for this opportunity. The floor is yours.