The non-derogation clause in section 3 of SARA is something we don't support. That's also in your recommendation. We don't accept it because it's not in the language of the Constitution, and it has to be rewritten to be consistent with paragraphs 25(a) and 25(b).
The compensation program is one of the remaining areas for which there's been no consultation on compensation, and it's been a long-outstanding issue. There's no policy framework on that.
Regulations and enforcement are things on which we've received undertakings in the past from CWS. We've been involved in drafting regulations and enforcement, but we've never been involved in that part at all.
To wrap up, we recognize that flexible approaches are needed to recognize cultural differences and sensitivities across Canada. We know from experience that capacity building is essential to build effective programs and policies. The key is to have multi-year funding that would enhance the species at risk and ecosystem recovery planning. A sharing of best and innovative practices under SARA would strengthen the involvement of aboriginal peoples and would be more effective in producing the results.
Thank you. Meegwetch.