Yes. I hope that a representative of the aboriginal traditional knowledge subcommittee will actually show up to speak directly to this committee. I think that would be a better approach. But in our view, the people on the aboriginal traditional knowledge subcommittee, the subcommittee of COSEWIC, act as what we would call pathfinders. They really direct the research to the appropriate people in the community who are the holders of the aboriginal traditional knowledge.
One problem that has arisen is in the recovery stage. We have multiple teams heading out, because it's a complex act, as you recognize. You have, for example, DFO out looking for the traditional knowledge, you might have Parks Canada out there, and you might have the Canadian Wildlife Service, so it's a bit chaotic. We've certainly heard from various elders who have told us that they're tired of being pestered by so many different people knocking on their doors. So the recovery stage needs to be straightened out in the process area.