Those were really good briefs and really thorough presentations. They were greatly appreciated.
I particularly appreciated the effort you took to actually make recommendations on legal amendments. I think they'll be really useful to our committee. They certainly will be to me.
There are so many issues and there is so much we need to discuss. I'm probably going to be able to ask you only some of my questions. But I really appreciate the effort you've made to brief us.
I would like to start off with this issue of the safety net. It seems to be the running theme, which frankly has been with us for quite some years, not just under the current government. It's this issue of putting friendly federal-provincial relations ahead of anything to do with environmental protection.
I think you've already testified to the effect that the federal Minister of the Environment's power has never actually been exercised. As an Albertan, I have to say that I'm happy to see all the testimony about the woodland caribou. I can't even begin to count the number of presentations made to me, even before I was elected, on how desperate people are for action by the federal government on this because of the failure of the Alberta government. As my colleague has pointed out, the famous CEMA committee actually had a recommendation for action in the tar sands area, and the provincial government refused to act. I guess that raises this very question: at what juncture will the federal minister intervene?
Keith, I noticed that right away you raised the spectre of equivalency, which was my immediate reaction. Of course, that's the term used in CEPA. I'm wondering if any of you would like to speak to the issue of whether you think, perhaps, the provisions in law may be inadequate. Should we perhaps be taking the approach that's taken in CEPA? That is, the federal government will intervene unless the provincial jurisdiction or the territorial jurisdiction has what's considered to be equivalent legislation and an equivalent enforcement compliance strategy.
Now, it's been pointed out to me, in my reading, that the federal government doesn't have, I don't think, an enforcement compliance strategy on this act yet, and shame on them if they don't. I wish I could have raised that with the government.
What do you think? Keith raised this; or Rachel, or anyone else, might want to address this. It seems to be an issue that a lot of the witnesses have raised. I would welcome your elaborating a bit on how we address the problem of this provision. We have a species listed, but nothing is happening.