Thank you for the question.
This is a very problematic issue and there is no easy answer. The problem with leaving all of that to the action plan stage is that it is fairly late in the process and there's a lot of investment that has gone in, a lot of resources that have been allocated, and so on and so forth. Given that there is a RIAS that is required for any kind of regulatory decision all along, right from, as Dr. Mooers pointed out, the listing stage, it would seem reasonable to have what we're notionally calling a socio-economic analysis as part of that through the entire process.
A little redundancy never hurt anybody, but I would echo Dr. Mooers that we need to make sure that those analyses are done appropriately and comprehensively, because one of the problems we've had collectively is that we've looked at these analyses that have been done early on in the process, and we were not sure those analyses were done as comprehensively as they perhaps ought to have been. That's the basis for the recommendation that if you decide not to list because of other values, then that should be very carefully scrutinized indeed.