We're running a little behind schedule, so we'll get this meeting called to order.
We're going to continue with our studies on the Species at Risk Act. To discuss the Species at Risk Act today, we have a number of witnesses here who are bringing with them their expertise and educational backgrounds.
I'd like to welcome to the table Dr. Scott Findlay, associate professor at the University of Ottawa.
You didn't have to come that far, but I'm glad that you did take time out of your schedule to join us.
From the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, we have with us Lance Barrett-Lennard, who is the head of the cetacean research program.
As an individual, we also have with us Dr. Michael Pearson, registered professional biologist at Pearson Ecological.
From the Scientific Committee on Species at Risk, SCOSAR, we have Dr. Arne Mooers, associate professor of biological sciences at Simon Fraser University.
I want to welcome all four of you and thank you for taking time out of your schedules to give us your interpretation of the act and tell us where we need to be going as we go through this review.
With that, Dr. Findlay, could you kick us off with your opening comments?