We know that there have been impacts from the net pens upon the wild salmon populations. Massive numbers of escapes occurred in the early days of the salmon farming industry, and these genetically swamped wild populations replaced the wild gene pools with basically farmed salmon pools that are not capable of surviving in the wild. They've been bred to live in a totally different environment from what a wild fish lives in.
We have also detected the presence of diseases that were in epidemic proportions in the sea cages present in wild populations at the same time, although we are not in a position where I can tell you quantitatively how many wild fish we lost to these diseases that were driven perhaps by epidemics in the farm areas.
Clearly the interest of both the aquaculture industry and the wild industry is for a healthy, disease-controlled farming industry that keeps all of its fish in its cages. It has been in that spirit that we've been working, trying to keep an eye on where the impacts are, documenting them, and calling for corrections when they were needed, and there has been significant change and significant corrections over time.