Merci, Monsieur Bigras.
First of all, the protocol I think you're referring to is a memorandum of understanding. It was signed a couple of years ago. Actually, both government and the NWMB would say that it has been very successful. It actually flows into your other question about whether the land claim comes first and what happens about the Species at Risk Act.
If there's a conflict between a constitutionally protected document and a statute, a regulation, or a policy, the law is clear: the constitutionally protected document must prevail. But that's only when there's a conflict. There should not be a conflict between the Nunavut Lands Claims Agreement and the Species at Risk Act. In many instances, there isn't. We mentioned one today, and we have a straightforward recommendation to address that. But that one conflict that we do have, we addressed through the memorandum of understanding. As I say, it helps to blend the listing process under SARA with COSEWIC, the minister, the Governor in Council, and the decision-making process under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. It has been quite successful in doing that, but it's not a legal document.