As a member of cabinet you're not in a position to speak about the quarter-billion-dollar advertising campaign, and that's okay. Let's go on to theme number two.
Yesterday I asked you in the House of Commons about your approach to science and the communication of science. We learned that your scientists in Environment Canada cannot take direct calls from the media. We learned that they have to report any direct calls to your communications director. We learned that if they participate in a panel where media is suspected of being present—I think even if they are attending a conference—they must advise the communications officer of your department, if not your own office. If they are permitted to speak to the media, they must get approval for what they will say before they say it.
Your answer to that question yesterday was that it's not just the policy of Environment Canada; it's the policy of the entire Government of Canada in every department, to which I reply, “Censorship is censorship is censorship”. So not only are Environment Canada scientists being censored; you're saying that every scientist in the federal government across all line departments are being censored in this way. It's never happened before at the federal level, and rudimentary checking of the provinces has revealed that no province in the country has these standards to this regulation, which you brought in, in 2008.